Home Care in Oklahoma City: Shoe Safety For Seniors
Highlighted Service • 2021
One in three seniors will fall each year. Due to failing eyesight, multiple medications, and complex medical conditions seniors risk falling. These falls can lead to permanent disability increasing strain on caregivers. Today’s line of sturdy tennis shoes can provide much-needed support. Check your loved one’s shoes to see if they provide this support.
Are the shoes closed toe? Slip-on shoes usually do not provide adequate support and can cause your loved one to fall.
Do the shoes fit properly? Swelling can cause blisters if the shoes are too tight. Hard shoes can cause bed sores.
Bend the shoe in the middle and sideways to make sure the shoe is firm.
Squeeze the heel and make sure it is firm. Look at the bottom of the shoe to make sure it can grip the floor and not slide. These shoes should not be used.
Check to make sure the shoe is not too bulky causing tripping. Bulky shoes can make the elderly’s feet feel too heavy. Look for a light sturdy shoe.
The perfect shoe has a thin firm midsole, low heel height, supported heel collar, and a fastening mechanism.